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Gift Aid: Boost Your Donation by 25%

If you're a UK taxpayer and have made one or more donation to us, you could increase the value of every £1 you give to £1.25, by joining the Gift Aid scheme. And it's at no cost to you.

  • Anyone who is a UK income or capital gains taxpayer can make a Gift Aid declaration.
  • We can reclaim a quarter of your or donations and also a proportion of your membership subscription for Gold / Silver Members ( we cannot reclaim tax on Bronze membership subscriptions).
  • One Gift Aid declaration covers your future donations and membership subscriptions, and can be back dated up to four years.
  • Gift Aid is not a method of payment so you still pay your donation or membership subscription in the usual way.
  • You can cancel your Gift Aid declaration at any time simply by contacting our Box Office on 01908 280800.
  • When you donate via our online ticketing system you can easily confirm your Gift Aid eligibility by ticking the relevant box.
  • If you need to fill in a Gift Aid Declaration form if making a donation in person, please contact Box Office on 01908 280800 and they can send a short form out to you.

 Thank you!