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Volunteer at The Stables

Come and join our award-winning team of volunteers!

Ever since the venue opened in 1970, volunteers have played a central role in enabling The Stables to become one of the UK’s most successful and popular music organisations. Affectionately known as the Stablemates, they now total more than 250 in number. The core team provides year-round support for many areas of the The Stables' day-to-day operation, including front of house, technical, catering and administrative duties. 

Extra teams of volunteers are also recruited to help with the successful delivery of IF: Milton Keynes International Festival, a major city-wide event which The Stables also produces.

In 2019 the Stablemates were awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.

If you’re interested in volunteering at The Stables and are able to make a regular commitment, we'd love to hear from you – please register your interest by emailing

We also hold regular open evenings where you find out more about what's involved and meet other current volunteers and members of The Stables staff.

Volunteer Open Evening

Monday 7 October 2024, 6-9pm


Part 1 - An Introduction to Volunteering at The Stables

This session will give you a flavour of what to expect and what we expect from you. You’ll be able to meet other volunteers and some of The Stables’ permanent staff.

Refreshment Break

Part 2 - Volunteer Induction

If you decide volunteering at The Stables is not for you, then feel free to leave during the break. However if you are interested in becoming a Stablemate, then please stay for part 2 which will include a short tour of the venue and also cover some initial training across various roles including the bar, ushering and fire evacuation.

To register your interest and confirm your place, please complete this online form.