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Dom Joly: The Conspiracy Tour
Jim Marshall Auditorium

Dom Joly: The Conspiracy Tour


“Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean you’re not being followed!”

Dom Joly has been off travelling the globe again. This time, he’s been looking into some of the strangest and weirdest conspiracy theories in existence. Now, he’s now set to embark on a rather unique theatre tour, where Dom will be providing a hilarious, fascinating, and slightly anarchic guide to the wacky world of conspiracies.

1. Is the earth flat?

2. Does Finland exist?

3. Did JFK commit suicide?

4. Are Q Anon mentally ill?

5. Is Bill Gates using vaccines to take control of your mind?

6. Is Denver Airport a massive panic room for the Illuminati?

7. Are UFO’s piloted by lizards?

In the spirt of fairness, Dom will also be inviting a well-known and highly respected conspiracy theorist, Dr Julian Northcote, to take the stage and defend the alternate view.

Due to the extremely controversial views aired in the show, security will be at an optimum and audiences are warned that angry demonstrations are very likely – or is that just another conspiracy?!

(May contain strong language and adult material; suitable for 16+.)

Listen Ahead!

Take a listen to a fascinating interview with Dom Joly as part of August's episode of Turn Up The Volume!, The Stables' monthly podcast.  Follow this link to access.  The interview starts at around 1 minute into the podcast.

Ticket fee information

All ticket prices on this website are published inclusive of booking fees. For tickets up to and including £10, a fee of £1 per ticket will be charged. For tickets between £10.01 and £15, a fee of £1.50 per ticket will be charged. For tickets between £15.01 and £25, a fee of £2.50 per ticket will be charged. For tickets between £25.01 and £35, a fee of £3.50 per ticket will be charged. For tickets over £35, a fee of £4.50 per ticket will be charged.Should an event be cancelled, or rescheduled to a new date that you cannot attend, The Stables will refund the ticket price portion only of the amount originally paid. Booking fees are non-refundable - for full Ts&Cs visit

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