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Fresh Sounds

Calling Out To All Young Milton Keynes-based Musicians!

Win a cash bursary of £1,500 and professional mentoring to help you develop your musical ambitions and career!

About the Fresh Sounds Bursary Award

The bursary can be used to pay for a wide range of artistic, music business and practical support including training (excluding Higher education), creative collaboration, co-writing, producer support, recording, touring, marketing or promotions, equipment (related directly to new production). It is awarded as a grant and does not need to be repaid - it is a donation to the recipient. 

The bursary and mentoring programme will be managed by The Stables and will include tailored insights into the music industry.  Areas to be covered are likely to include informal and formal training on developing as an artist, advice on navigating the music industry, developing a fan base and earning money from writing, recording and performing music. The detailed mentoring programmes will be created with the successful candidates in response to their own ambitions and knowledge gaps. 


  • You must be a music creator who lives in the unitary authority of Milton Keynes - see map at the bottom of the page
  • You can perform any style of music and do not need to have taken any formal music examinations
  • You should be of a high standard and demonstrate that you have performed to audiences in a variety of ways
  • You must be aged between 16 & 24 years old on 29 November 2024
  • The scheme is open to young music creators who are songwriters, composers, artists, bands, producers or performers who are writing and performing their own music

How to Apply

If you are interested and you meet the criteria you can apply by sending us:

  • a written or video statement outlining why you are applying, what you will spend the funds on and why you think they should be awarded the grant. You must also confirm you meet the criteria of living in Milton Keynes and are aged 16-24 years. Written submissions must be no more than 500 words.  Video statements must be no longer than three minutes.
  • a photo of yourself performing
  • a video example of yourself performing
  • you may send digital files via WeTransfer, Dropbox or provide links to Youtube, Soundcloud or other distribution service.

If you would like to apply as part of a band but do not have any recordings or photos of your group, please contact us to discuss other ways to apply. 

Applications must be submitted by midday on Friday 29 November 2024 to with Fresh Sounds Application in the subject line. 

The panel will be looking for: 

  • extraordinary musical talent
  • originality
  • serious effort in developing your music and your career so far

If you have any questions about the award or how to apply, please email Graeme Surtees, Head of Learning & Participation at The Stables

Background to the Award

This award has been made possible through support from MK Community Foundation (Christopher Hopkinson Memorial Music Fund).

MK Community Foundation is the leading grant making charity in Milton Keynes. They provide a range of grant programmes to support both small grassroots groups right through to larger organisation working in the voluntary, community and cultural sector across MK, including Bursaries and Awards for individuals.  

Unitary authority of Milton Keynes