The ukulele is a fun and accessible instrument making a big comeback in popular music and in education, but it also has a long history and has played a big part in many musical styles. This workshop is ideal for beginners to learn the basics of playing, how to accompany songs, and great-sounding ukulele rhythm techniques. Come and take part in the ukulele revival! No prior experience necessary. Participants will need to bring a soprano-, concert- or tenor-sized ukulele.
Ukulele tutor Phil Doleman is a professional performer, teacher, and songwriter who has worked across the UK, Europe and the US. As well as a busy performing schedule he has written several books on playing the uke, composed for the University of West London ukulele grades, and regularly teaches players of all abilities and ages.
Tea & coffee is provided.
Participants on a full day workshop or course should bring a packed lunch and other snacks.