Building on Beginners Part 1, this workshop is ideal for beginner ukulele players to develop their playing further and will help you to develop your rhythm and melody playing skills, add new chords and combine different strokes for rhythmic effects.
Using a mix of contemporary and vintage material, you’ll also get the chance to practice as a ukulele band and try out playing the melody, accompanying and adding colour to the musical arrangements. Previous attendance at Ukulele Beginners Part 1 is recommended and you will need to bring a soprano-, tenor- or concert-sized ukulele.
Ukulele tutor Phil Doleman is a professional performer, teacher, and songwriter who has worked across the UK, Europe and the US. As well as a busy performing schedule he has written several books on playing the uke, composed for the University of West London ukulele grades, and regularly teaches players of all abilities and ages.
(The follow on part 3 workshop takes place on Saturday 22 March.)
Tea & coffee is provided.
Participants on a full day workshop or course should bring a packed lunch and other snacks.