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How To Apply

Why do I need to ‘Apply’?

We want to understand your interest and commitment to music making.

The information we get in an application gives us more chance to find out about you and your musical interests and experience and helps us plan your musical activities across the week.

We need to know what your ‘first’ or main instrument is, but also if you play anything else. We may ask you to play your other instruments in some sessions to give you a wider experience and to help mix and balance the groups.

Applications are normally accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, but there is a limit on numbers of certain instruments to make sure we can balance the mix of instruments in the All-In orchestra and the other groups and activities. 

Once an application is accepted, refunds will not normally be given, except in exceptional circumstances or unless the course is full and there is a waiting list and someone else is able to take up the place.

Fees for 2025

£300 – includes all tuition from expert and experienced music leaders, up to 40 hours of music making, the use of specialist instruments and equipment, refreshments and the end-of-course performance (free for family and friends).

Application process

Applications can be made online – please complete the application form by following the link below.

When you’ve submitted your application form you’ll be connected to The Stables' secure online booking service to make your course payment.  Please note your application is not accepted until payment is received. If you are a new Stables customer you’ll be asked to enter some details to set up a Stables account in order to make your payment. 

If any application is unsuccessful for any reason a full refund will be given.

If you are unable to complete an online form contact us to find out alternative ways of applying or making payment or 01908 280800.

What happens next?

Applications will normally be processed within three weeks. 

Your offer of a place at the course requires your commitment for the whole week. Missing any sessions or days means you'll miss some great music making and learning, and also affects the other musicians in your groups. If you can’t attend on a day because of illness or other exceptional circumstances, we’ll ask you to let us know as soon as you can and we’ll help you join back in the next day.

When we’ve received the full payment we’ll send you further information and forms about course  including a registration and medical form, a ‘good conduct’ agreement and messages from the Course Director.