Music Week Bursaries

Although fees are kept as low as possible, we recognise that some young musician’s personal and family circumstances mean they could not afford to apply.
We have a limited number of bursaries to support applications from some of these young people
Bursaries are awarded based on need and so we will have to ask for information regarding family income and expenditure (including tax credits and other benefits) and supporting documents. All information received will be treated in strictest confidence.
We can’t guarantee that everyone who applies for a bursary will be successful. Our funding is limited and there is competition, but we will try to help as many applicants as we can. Bursaries are normally for 50% of the fees however higher levels may be given in exceptional circumstances or for one-off workshops.

How to apply for a bursary
Please see the Bursary information and guidance bleow to check if you are eligible to apply for a bursary before filling in this form.
This form is for those who want to apply for a place on the Music Week AND also apply for a bursary.

Eligibility for a bursary
To be eligible for a bursary you or your carers/household need to be one of the following:
- In full or part-time education and eligible for Pupil Premium and/or Free School Meals.
- Young people aged 16-18 in care, care leavers, not in education, employment or training and receiving state benefits in their own right or as family support.
- Young carers.
- Income Support, Universal Credit, Working Families Tax Credit or equivalent credits.
- Receiving support from your school or music service for reduced music lesson fees.
- Families who may not be in the receipt of any of the above may also be eligible in exceptional circumstances.
- Receiving a disability allowance (PIP/ DSA)/ - Families where a parent/guardian is living with a long-term or serious health condition.
If you have difficulty providing any of the evidence requested in the form, have any questions, or would like support filling out the form - please contact us at

What happens next
We will look at your application and supporting evidence and get back to you if we need any further information to help with the decision.
If your bursary application is successful we will contact you with further information about the week, including how to pay any balance of fees (normally 50%)
We aim to make decisions within two weeks of receiving the bursary application. Any decision on bursaries awarded is final and unfortunately here is no right of appeal.
Your offer of a place at the course requires your commitment for the whole week. Missing any sessions or days means you'll miss some great music making and learning, and also affects the other musicians in your groups. If you can’t attend on a day because of illness or other exceptional circumstances, we’ll ask you to let us know as soon as you can and we’ll help you join back in the next day.
When we’ve received the balance payment we’ll send you further information and forms about course including a registration and medical form, a ‘good conduct’ agreement and messages from the Course Director
Please note the application is not confirmed until final balance payment is received. If you are a new Stables customer you’ll be asked to enter some details to set up a Stables account in order to pay. This is the safest and protected way to pay.
Applications for the Music Week normally accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, but there are limited numbers for some instruments to make sure we can balance the mix of instruments groups and activities.
Once an application is confirmed, refunds will not normally be given, except in exceptional circumstances or unless the course is full and there is a waiting list and someone can take up the place.
If you need any further advice about the application process contact us at Stables Music Week, The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LU or at